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Antenatal Class and Labour Room Tour

I) Child Birth Preparation Classes:- (Ante Natal Classes)

Duration: 8 weeks (2 months)

Batch Timings: Every Saturday at 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm

Venue: 8 th Floor Dining Hall at Phase I building, Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune

Contents: Exercises + Lectures

Exercises / Yoga includes:

  1. Essential Preparatory exercises -

    1. Warming up exercises with specific breathing.

    2. Loosening exercises.

    3. Specific exercises for pelvic floor muscles.

  2. Standing Postures –

    1. To improve postural balance

    2. To improve concentration

    3. To understand changing body

  3. Wall assisted stretches

  4. Sitting Postures (Aasanas)

    1. To improve stability

    2. Improving muscle tone

    3. Specific Postures to reduce back ache.

    4. Specific Postures for low back ache, unilateral lumber pain

  5. Lying down Postures –

    1. To strengthen back muscles.

    2. For muscles in pelvic area.

    3. Helpful for easy child birth.

  6. Breathing Techniques during child birth

  7. Information, importance and technique of self massage

  8. Meditation – step by step

    1. Breathing

    2. Chanting

    3. Body visualization

  9. Relaxation – step by step

    1. Concentration on breathing

    2. Relaxation of body parts in sequence

    3. Imagination

    4. Total body relaxation

    Features: Instructor for Exercises, Lectures on all the aspects of Ante Natal Care, Diet in Pregnancy, Back

Care Posture, Labour / Delivery Process, Post Natal Care & Baby Care, Breast Feeding etc. by our

expert Doctors.

   Special session for ‘Would Be Fathers’ .

   Demo of recipes for diet in pregnancy.


Time to register: 4 th /5 th month of pregnancy ( Of course after consulting your Obstetrician )

( Fees – Rs. 2850/- Only)


Venue for Registration: Ground Floor ‘C’ wing Billing Counter, DMH Phase I OR

3 rd Floor OPD Reception/ Billing Counter, DMH Phase II

    (9 am to 8 pm on Week Days)

For any further query contact: Dr. Jyoti Rahalkar

                                           (Course Conductor) m – 9822045591





II) Post Natal Classes – (Post Delivery Exercises)

Batch Timings: Every Tuesday at 4 pm – 5 pm

Contact: Dr. Jyoti Rahalkar

      (Course Conductor) m – 9822045591




III)Labour Room Tour:-

It is conducted on the 1 st & 15 th of every month

    at 11.00 am sharp with prior appointment at least 1 & half month before Expected Date of Delivery.

(If a holiday falls on that day; the tour is conducted on the any suitable working day same time)

Duration: 1 & half hour


All the ANC patients who have registered at Deenanath for delivery or wish to register there;

can attend the tour which is of course free of charge.


In this tour the Labour Ward is shown to the ‘Would be Mothers’with their one relative.

All the information regarding medical as well as infrastructural facilities available, admission process,

Cashless Mediclaim Procedure is given & also all the types of rooms are shown. Thus the tour aims to

make the mother familiar with the atmosphere of the Labour ward.


For appointment contact: Ms. Vidyullata Deshpande 

    (Tour Conductor) m – 9823270916 OR

Gynaec OPD – Tel. (020) - 40151055 (between 10.00 am to 5.00 pm)