The Department of Laryngology at Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune, India, established annual fellowships in Advance Laryngology in the year 2015.
After the establishment of the hospital in the year 2001, the department first initiated short-term attachments for surgeons to undergo in-depth learning of laryngology at an advance level. Based on those experiences, we developed various teaching modules which were constantly refined by dynamic feedback from the trainees.
In addition to short-term attachments, we also conducted hands on training courses in Voice Surgery. We believed that Laryngology – an expanding Super-specialty, requires much more time in training and inculcating the skills and eventually we established the Advanced Laryngology one year fellowship program. Hand in hand with gaining extensive diagnostics and operating experience, the fellows are expected to undertake research and publish articles in peer-reviewed journals.
In 2016, the fellowship program received accreditation from the Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS) under Senior Clinical Fellowship Scheme. This is the first and only RCS approved overseas fellowship outside UK and Ireland. Fellowship approval is an inspired step that leads to higher standards. The approval by the world-renowned Royal College of Surgeons of England represents a major step forward for us in our quest to achieve higher standards. We regard RCS approval as external evaluation and validation of our delivery of ‘teaching, learning and assessment’ programme. RCS approval to our fellowship training programme provides us a performance metric against which to set benchmark for training in Laryngology with knowledge, skills, support and resources. It is a key development for maintaining and improving standards for years to come.
More info at
Some references of the fellowship in RCS website-