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Behavioral Issues are the result of conflict between the child’s developing personality and attitudes and expectations of the child’s parents, peers, teachers etc. Behavioral problems can be classified as ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal’ taking into context the child’s developmental age and other factors. If your child is experiencing a temporary behavioral and/or emotional problem, it is likely that they may pass with time and require a parent’s patience and understanding of the same. However, in some cases, outside counseling can prove to be highly beneficial and effective in helping a child cope with their stressors effectively. This can include helping you child to learn how to recognize and work through their emotions, positively manage and divert their anger, and communicate their needs more effectively.

Along with helping your child, our dedicated team at Small Steps, also wish to help you manage and handle the various issues that you face while going through the long path of raising happy, strong children. In a unbiased, healthy manner, we aim to provide the required tools, guidance, knowledge and support necessary to make you more equipped to take care of your child and yourselves too!