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The department of Infectious diseases and the Travel clinic was started in Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital (DMH) by pioneering work of Dr. Pallavi Bhargava (MD) in 2003-04. Currently we have 4 consultants in infectious desease department. We provide 400 OPD and 200-250 IPD consultion a month.

The infectious disease service evolved as a subspecialty of internal medicine and focuses on quality management of infectious diseases, particularly tropical infections, tuberculosis, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, organ transplant related infections, invasive fungal infections and fevers of unknown origin. In this era, patients with comorbid illnesses can have complicated infections which require multidisciplinary management. Infectious disease physician often is a part of team of doctors who treat such critically sick patients. We add value to the care that these patients receive.

The travel clinic gives advice regarding infectious risks associated with domestic and international travel. We also provide immunization services for vaccine preventable adult infectious diseases (adult immunization clinic).

The infectious disease service provides round-the -clock telephonic assistance for decision making regarding post exposure prophylaxis (treatment) for outpatients attending the emergency services for dog/cat/animal bites. Assistance is also provided for decision making regarding needle-stick injury management for health care workers exposed to blood-borne infectious disease.

The infectious disease department forms an integral part of hospital infection control Programme of DMH. We work in close association with the department of microbiology headed by Dr. Sampada Patwardhan and the department of intensive care headed by Dr. Prasad Rajhans to make this Programme work optimally. The department strives to create awareness amongst DMH doctors and staff regarding optimal use of antimicrobial agents through lectures, work stations, case presentations. Education of hospital staff is undertaken regarding infection control practices. We have developed a hospital antibiotic policy upholding the idea of antimicrobial stewardship in DMH. We monitor antibotic use and surgical prophylaxis in DMH.

Another important area of work of infectious disease department is medical research. Many articles from authors of DMH infectious disease department have appeared in national and international medical journals. There are a few research projects underway in DMH sponsored by national and multinational sponsors. To name a few, currently, we are working on drug resistance of pathogens causing a type of hospital acquired infection and problems associated with use of an antibiotic used to treat multi-drug resistant pathogens and management of infections in cancer patients.

    The department offers expertise in comprehensive treatment for following categories of diseases:
  • Difficult to treat bacterial infections- including methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections.
  • Tuberculosis- Multi-drug resistant (MDR TB) and non MDR TB.
  • A typical mycobacterial infections.
  • Orthopedic infections- including septic arthritis, osteomyelitis, tuberculosis of spine (Pott’s spine), infective spondylodiskitis, Prosthetic joint infections.
  • Organ transplant related infections.
  • Infections in cancer patients including febrile neutropenia.
  • Pyrexia (fevers) of unknown origin (PUO).
  • Human immunodeficiency virus infections (HIV ) and its complications.
  • Other viral infections including influenza (flu), Ebstein barr virus infectiosn (EBV), Hepatitis B and C virus infections (HBV/HCV), measles, chicken pox (varicella), chikungunya, dengue virus infections.
  • Adult immunization.
  • Travel advice regarding infectious risks during domestic and international travel.
  • Post exposure prophylaxis (treatment) for exposure to rabies virus, HIV and HBV.
  • We plan to start a two year fellowship program in infectious diseases for post doctoral students in near future

Direct Telephone: 020-49153044

E Mail: ssgroundopds@dmhospital.org